Libby Ives WorkSHOPS
Monday May 23rd, 2022
Leg Hangs Galore @ 3pm
This workshop is dedicated to breaking down the fundamentals of both inside and outside leg hang positions, variations, as well as entry and exit transitions and how they can be used to build combos. Students should be comfortable with basic inversions. Primarily focused on static pole, but students have the option to work on spin pole if comfortable.
Floor Play @ 4pm
Students will learn to smooth out their floor work, including base work around the pole, shoulder roll variations, and traveling/directional transitions. This workshop is geared towards all levels from beginner to advanced. Knee pads, shoulder coverage, and socks recommended.
Libby Ives has been poling since 2011 and began teaching in 2013. She has competed and won multiple titles within Canada and the U.S. and now offers private competition and performance coaching as well as specialty workshops. Outside of pole, Libby loves hiking, pottery, Dungeons & Dragons, cats (especially her own 2 fur babies), and is obsessed with dinosaurs.