This page contains all of our expectations and policies for clients & instructors.
We understand that these are challenging times and want to be able to provide a fun and creative space to move your body. As a boutique studio there are fewer people moving through our space and we are cleaning thoroughly in between each class.
If you are a high risk individual we recommend privates or semi privates. This allows a smaller number of people to get dedicated attention from staff while controlling who you are in contact with.
Kindred Spirits Pole is taking every precaution available however COVID is transmitted by individuals who may show no signs or symptoms. By visiting our facility you acknowledge the risks and take liability for any exposure.
Mask Update
Mask Policy Update:
Over the last three years our studio has taken every precaution available to keep all of our clients and instructors safe. Our approach has always been centered around compassion and protecting everyone. However at this time we are ready for restrictions to slowly soften. Starting Tuesday May 1st masks will no longer be mandatory for your visit.
Instructors and clients will have the choice to remain masked if they prefer, and we ask that everyone’s individual choice be respected.
1. If you are ill you cannot come to class and should email info@kindredspiritspole.ca immediately. Your membership/class credits will be put on hold for 2 weeks or until a negative COVID test result is provided. The questionnaire can be used to guide whether or not you are ready to come to the studio but does not need to be submitted.
2. Arrive wearing clothes ready for class. If that is not possible, there are bathrooms in the building.
3. Leave any belongings not needed in class in the cubbies within the studio space.
5. Walk along the right side and grab any materials you have not brought with you (pole towel, blocks, mat, strap) and a spray bottle of alcohol for sanitizing. Please note, we have 2 types of clothes available; a small white towel and a larger green towel for sweatier hands.
Useful tip: You can bring your own pole towel, yoga mat, blocks, and/or strap to minimize cross-contamination risk.
6. Proceed to the desired apparatus in the space, to allow proper spacing.
7. Each client will have their own pole with plenty of space. Please store your belongings along the outer perimeter of the space as necessary. This will allow instructors to observe safely and maintain distance while moving through class.
8. When class is over please wipe down your pole, wiping mats is not required. Please leave the class in an orderly manner upon the end of class, and depositing any used equipment for sanitation.
Instructors may wear masks within the studio space, and while teaching. Spotting will be provided as necessary.
Classes focus on building strength before attempting new moves, safety mats are provided.
Instructors will sterilize each apparatus, and all equipment in between each class. The studio will go through a full cleaning at the end of each day.
In person caps: For lyra classes they will be capped at 8 individuals, and off apparatus classes will be capped at 10. Pole classes will be capped at 10.