Onyx Workshops

Workshops with the Amazing Onyx

Saturday April 13th

3 workshops to choose from! Or do multiple and save!

Signature Tricks @ 12:30PM

My signature pole tricks and combos - a mix of things that are dynamic and flexibility based, both closer to the ground and higher in the air! This workshop offer one dynamic low-flow combo, one aerial dynamic combo, and a spin pole combo. Levels intermediate and up (leg hangs, shoulder mounts, butterflies, and brass monkey all pre-requisites for this workshop) This workshop is 90 minutes

Seductive Beats @ 2:15PM

In this class, as I am a Stripper and Former S/x Worker. We acknowledge the history of those s/x workers, strippers and POC that have paved the way for us to be able to have these classes. This class will help you discover the more sensual side of pole dancing. Exploring sensual movement on and off the pole, sultry and seductive floorwork and body isolations. We will work on building confidence in putting moves together. This classis a great workout for endurance, dance and strength! Don't forget your heels and knee pads!! This 75 mins class is for ALL LEVELS! Must be confident with pole holds and pole sits.

Floorgasms @ 3:45pM

Bringing the stripper out of the club and straight to you on the floor. In this workshop we will be primarily on the ground. This routine is all sensual body movement and connecting to our sexuality in a performance way. We will work on shoulder rolls and elbow stands/floor jade splits. . Once we've gone through all the technique of things we will learn a 3mins choreographed routine. Knee pads are a must leggings are suggested for sliding around. This workshop is 75mins and for ALL LEVELS

One workshop - $75+hst

Two workshops - $145+hst

Three workshops - $215+hst


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