Come climb, turn, tumble, and flip with us. Acrobatics are way more fun when you are in the air!
Hoop 1
Your hoop journey starts here, learn the basics of lyra and strength training. You will learn how to pose, spin and move within and under the hoop while building the strength and confidence necessary to invert.
Hoop 2
Individuals should be comfortable inverting both under and within the lyra with a foot tag. You will explore more advanced shapes and poses while adding dynamic movement to your combinations. New possibilities will also be uncovered while working on top of the hoop for the first time.
Hoop 3
Individuals should be able to invert and do a pull over without any momentum or tagging of the feet. Moves in this level will require a higher degree of flexibility and strength while working with fewer contact points. In this level more drops and flips will be introduced.
Hammock 1
Aerial hammock consists of one piece of fabric looped around to provide plenty of support. In this class learn how to use a hammock to build strength, flexibility, and work towards inversions. You will learn how to gracefully enter and exist the hammock and be introduced to foundational skills and movements. If you’ve always wanted to be upside down but want some physical support this class is perfect for you!
Silks 1
Aerial silks (“fabric” or “tissue”) consists of two pieces of fabric suspended from the ceiling. In this class learn the basics of wrapping the silks around yourself to create holds and locks. In this class we build strength and flexibility to accomplish basic climbing, foot locks and work towards inverting. You will gain tons of core and upper body of strength while defying gravity and creating fun and exciting shapes!
Open Studio (Aerial)
For individuals who are ready to explore their apparatus on their own. An instructor will be present for supervision as students warm up, condition and train whatever they have learned in class. Come prepared with a plan of things you would like to work on to best utilize your time. Practices are 90 minutes.
Baby Brunch
Baby brunch is a pre- and post-natal class designed to gently combine open practice and structured exercises. In this class you will work through exercises that are designed to help those who are expecting, have recently delivered or who have tiny humans with them all day. From kegels to deep squats, learn what is safe for you on and off the apparatus as you journey through parenthood.
We understand that giving birth and raising young kids is a challenge, so babies and toddlers are welcome to join with you. Baby brunch is 3 hours long so that you can attend around an unpredictable nap schedule, you are not obligated to stay the entire duration. This class is not a child care class, a parent must be present and watching their child at all times. This class is open to those of all genders and gender presentations.
*Kneepads are sold in studio