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New Year Dance Special

New Year Dance Special

Pole troupe

Register for our Toxic Love 4-week session choreography class with Amy, 1 hour a week, to get ready for our next showcase. During these 4 weeks you will learn a sultry and flowy piece. Have you wanted to show off your hot pole skills for a while but don't know how? All you have to do is get your loving self to the studio! Get a chance to show your dance skills without the pressure of coming up with your own choreography.

Troupe performers will meet on Monday at 6:45 pm - 7:45 pm to learn and rehearse their choreography. Starting February 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th.


Come and get all wrapped with us in time for any occasion! Pole, floorwork, or aerial classes made easy to gift wrap for your enjoyment!


Love the way you move, move the way you love.

Find your Community

It all begins with an idea. Maybe fitness could be more fun?
Join us, make new friends and discover strength you never knew you had.
Take classes from experienced instructors for a fun, educational, and sweaty workout!




Have you always wanted to fly? Do you love to dance? Do you want to get stronger? Does exotic pole inspire you? Or maybe you simply wanted to be part of a supportive community of artists.