Onyx Workshops
Sunday July 24th, 2022
One Workshop Pass - $70+HST
Two Workshop Pass - $135+HST
Three Workshop Pass - $200+HST
FloorPlay @ 1pm
Yes! It's a play on words. This is a fun, sexy, floor based dance workshop. It takes the best from stripper style pole floor work and brings it to you in a 1 hour choreo class where you can get steamy and slouty! This workshop will test your core strength and with a strong center you will be able to move fluidly on all levels. We will be exploring a lot of inverted movement and using momentum, gravity, and weight to move ourselves in and out of tricks all over the floor. This choreo is floor based and we will be spending a lot of time on it! Bring tights or yoga pants so you can easily slide all over the floor, socks or heels, and KNEE PADS!
Twerkshop @ 230pm
This 75 minute workshop is for anyone and everyone! This class is all about the fundamentals of twerk. From booty shaking, body rolls, hip checks, and cheek isolations. We will be breaking down all the moves then turn it into choreography to one of my favorite jams! This is a fun rachet fitness class while learning popular dance moves from celebrities like Rhianna and Nicky Minaj. Bring LOTS of water, snacks, sneakers or bare foot it is your choice, cheeky shorts, and KNEE PADS!
Sensual Flow @ 4pm
This workshop is for all levels and is one of the sexiest routines I have ever created! This 60 minute, super sultry, body waving, gliding erotic style, focuses on your own speed of movement around the pole and body control. There are no tricks or inversions in this stripper flow routine. Its is strictly flow, heels, and sex appeal. Bring whatever you feel comfortable wearing to class. I suggest tights or leggings cause there is some floor sliding involved. If you would like to bring a full blown sexy number by all means, please do! Let's get Slouty!
Exotic Flow @ 530pm
(Fast Paced) In this 90 minute workshop we will be learning some intricate flow. If you are experienced in flow class or you're at an intermediate level and want a challenge this workshop is for you! We will first start by breaking down all the tricks and finish off with a fierce 2 min poleography! Heels are always optional but BRING KNEE PADS
Masks will be required for; walking around, spotting, and sharing an apparatus.
Over the last two years our studio has taken every precaution available to keep all of our clients and instructors safe. Our approach has always been centered around compassion and protecting everyone. However at this time we are ready for restrictions to slowly soften. Starting Tuesday May 24th masks will no longer be mandatory for the entire duration of your visit.
Masks will still need to be worn entering and exiting the facility as well as when moving around the space. As well to protect our instructors and others in classes, masks will be required when spotting and sharing an apparatus.
Instructors and clients will have the choice to remain masked if they prefer, and we ask that everyone’s individual choice be respected. Masks can be removed when you are in your space.
Libby Ives WorkSHOPS
Monday May 23rd, 2022
Leg Hangs Galore @ 3pm
This workshop is dedicated to breaking down the fundamentals of both inside and outside leg hang positions, variations, as well as entry and exit transitions and how they can be used to build combos. Students should be comfortable with basic inversions. Primarily focused on static pole, but students have the option to work on spin pole if comfortable.
Floor Play @ 4pm
Students will learn to smooth out their floor work, including base work around the pole, shoulder roll variations, and traveling/directional transitions. This workshop is geared towards all levels from beginner to advanced. Knee pads, shoulder coverage, and socks recommended.
Libby Ives has been poling since 2011 and began teaching in 2013. She has competed and won multiple titles within Canada and the U.S. and now offers private competition and performance coaching as well as specialty workshops. Outside of pole, Libby loves hiking, pottery, Dungeons & Dragons, cats (especially her own 2 fur babies), and is obsessed with dinosaurs.
Clients will continue to wear masks in class at this time. Based on feedback from our community the decision has been made since we are still in the midst of flu season. Many people are still hesitant to resume physical activities, and we acknowledge the importance of exercise for our mental health. To put peoples minds at ease we will continue requiring masks until further notice. Our approach has been and will continue to be centered around compassion and protecting everyone.
Three Things you should know about grip
Here is everything you need to know about grip when you start dancing!
1) Your grip gets stronger - It can feel overwhelming at first because there is so much to know. For some people it is going to come naturally, for other people not as much. That’s okay, your grip strength will get better over time! So you will stick better even if your hands are just as sweaty. There are also grip aids that can help.
2) There are different kinds of grip aids - For dancers who might be sweatier you might benefit from a grip that dries your hands out, and may have a little bit of a chalky texture. Like Enviro Grip (sold in studio), which smells like delicious vanilla! For dancers who might be naturally a little drier, you will benefit from a moisturizing grip, like Dewpoint, or, some people love it, shaving cream!
3) There are lots of different locations you can put grip - The most common one is our hands, but there is also; our inner thighs for things like sits, our sides if you are going to be hanging upside down on the pole, even our butt and the back of our thigs can be used for things like laybacks. For the most adventurous among us there are even places like our feet! Anywhere that you may feel sweaty and need a solid hold on the pole is fair game!
PS There is something called hyper hydrosis where you are sweatier than average. It is most common on the palms of our hands, but it is not limited to just there. So if you find that even after months of training and using grip aids you cannot hold on, talk to your Dr as Hyper hydrosis can be fixed with botox injections. For those who do not like that option you can also use gloves and start doing extra training for your finger strength.
Stay grippy friends!
Vaccine Update
Clients will continue to be screened for vaccines at this time. Based on feedback from our community the decision has been made to continue screening for now, since we are still in the midst of flu season. Many people are still hesitant to resume physical activities, and we acknowledge the importance of exercise for our mental health. To put peoples minds at ease we will continue screening until further notice.
Three Things you should know about Pole bruises
Alright, for you pole and hoop enthusiasts out there, let’s talk about bruises. Sometimes affectionately called Pole Kisses!
1) They’re perfectly normal. You are putting repeated and/or sustained pressure on an unconditioned body part.
2) You will get less bruises over time. Your body gets used to the pressure. Intense training, especially on less used spots, can still result in bruises.
3) Bruises should last about a week, maybe two if they are particularly big/deep. They can transition through several different colours so anywhere from purple to green and yellow can be perfectly normal. If you are still getting intense or disproportion bruises in the same spots, despite conditioning, you should probably talk to your doctor. Things like low iron or other vitamin deficiencies can be the cause, especially for people who menstruate. Many of the most common causes are easily fixable so there is no need to suffer!
And finally, welcome to the wacky world where we enjoy getting our bruises!
Candy Shop ShowCase
We are having another showcase and we have not one, but two amazing troupes to be a part of! Whether you are interested in pole or hoop we have something for you. If you are looking to perform alone, we love that too. Still feeling shy? No worries, there is no pressure to participant, the show needs Kindred Spirits like you to watch, so buy your tickets now!
All troupe participants and performers must be vaccinated in order to enable a maskless performance.
New Year Dance Special
Who cares that your new year’s resolution didn’t start in January?!
Now is the perfect time to get reacquainted with your body, and starting moving how you love!
20 In Person classes for just $18 a class, a savings of $140!